Laravel Application Development Cookbook

Chapter 1: Setting up and installing Laravel (19 pages)
1. Installing Laravel as git submodule
2. Setting up a virtual host/ development environment in Apache
3. Creating "Clean" URLS
4. Configuration settings
5. Using Laravel with SublimeText 2
6. Setting up your IDE to auto-complete Laravel's namespaces
7. Using Autoloader to map a class name to its file
8. Creating advanced Autoloaders with namespaces and directories

Chapter 2: Usings Forms and Gathering Input (28 pages)
9. Create a simple form
10. Gathering form input and display on another page
11. Validating user input
12. Creating a file uploader
13. Validating a file upload
14. Creating a custom error message
15. Adding a "honey pot" to the form
16. Uploading an image in Laravel using Redactor.js
17. Image cropping with Laravel and jCrop
18. Creating an autocomplete text input
19. Making a CAPTCHA style spam catcher

Chapter 3: Authenticating Your Application (23 pages)
20. Setting up and configuring the Auth library
21. Creating a basic authentication system
22. Creating a basic registration form
23. Retreiving User info after logging in
24. Restricting access to certain pages
25. Using oAuth2 to log in
26. Using OpenID for logins
27. Logging in using Facebook credentials
28. Logging in usingTwitter credentials
29. Logging in using LinkedIn

Chapter 4: Storing Information with Databases, Migrations, and Models (32 pages)
30. Creating data tables using migratations and Schema
31. Querying using raw SQL statements
32. Querying using Fluent
33. Querying using Eloquent ORM
34. Automatic validation using models
35. Advanced Eloquent and relationships
36. Creating a CRUD system
37. Importing a CSV using Eloquent
38. Using RSS as a datasource
39. Using get_attribute() to change table column names
40. Using a non-Eloquent ORM in Laravel

Using Controllers and Routes for URLs and APIs (24 pages)
41. Creating a basic Controller
42. Creating a route using a closure
43. Making the Controller RESTful
44. Advanced routing
45. Using a filter on the route
46. Testing a route using Artisan
47. Building a RESTful API with routes
48. Using Named routes
49. Creating a custom filter
50. Using a subdomain in your route

Displaying Your Views (40 pages)
51. Creating and using a basic View
52. Passing data into a View
53. Loading a View into another View - Nested Views
54. Adding Assets
55. Creating a View using Blade
56. Using SMARTY templates
57. Advanced Blade usage
58. Internationalization/ Localization of content
59. Looping through data in Blade
60. Creating menus in Laravel
61. Integrating with Bootstrap
62. Using a YouTube/Vimeo video in your View

Creating Bundles and Composer Packages (30 pages)
63. Downloading and installing
64. Using the BOB bundle to set up an app
65. Creating your own bundle
66. Publishing your bundle
67. Adding Composer to Laravel
68. Using a Composer package
69. Create a Composer package in Laravel
70. Adding you Composer package to Packagist

Using Ajax and jQuery (19 pages)
71. Getting data from another page
72. Setting up a controller to return JSON data
73. Creating an Ajax search function
74. Creating and validating a user using Ajax
75. Filtering data based on checkbox selection
76. Making an ajax Newlsetter sign up box
77. Sending an email using Laravel and jQuery
78. Creating a sortable table using jQuery and Laravel

Using Security and Sessions Effectively (18 pages)
79. Encrypting and decrypting data
80. Hashing passwords and other data
81. Using CSRF tokens and filters in forms (maybe goes in Forms?)
82. Using advanced validation in forms
83. Building a shopping cart
84. Using Redis to save Sessions
85. Using Basic Sessions and Cookies
86. Creating a secure API server

Testing and debugging your app (13 pages)
87. Setting up and configuring PHPUnit
88. Setting up and configuring SimpleTest
89. Writing and running a test case
90. Creating fixtures to test data
91. Generating test report
92. Debugging and Profiling your app

Deploying and Integrating Third-parties in Your Application (17 pages)
93. Creating a cronjob Task and using Artisan to run it
94. Deploying a Laravel app to PagodaBox
95. Using IOC and Dependency Injection
96. Triggering Events to store logs
97. Using a payment gateway with Laravel
98. Doing a GeoIP Lookup and set custom routing
99. Gathering email address and using them with a 3rd party email service
100. Saving and retreiving "cloud" content from Amazon S3